Dr. Parvathy Prasad
Managing Director
- PATENT GRANTED – Parenteral nutrition using mono-unsaturated triglycerides
- PATENT IN PROCESS – Contrast dye for computed tomography imaging
Assistant Professor in Noorul Islamic Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), NIMS Medicity (Off Campus), Thiruvanathapuram. Research and teaching experience in the field of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology, Noorul Islam Instiute of Medical Sciences (NIMS medicity Campus), Kerala, India.
Teaching experience in the field of biochemistry for MBBS students, Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Monash University, Australia (Malaysian Campus).
Experience in the field of neuroscience from Monash University, Australia ( Malaysian Campus).
Industial experience in cell culture including Ocular stem cells, Human embryonic stem cells (hESCS), Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), oral mucosal cells and Processing of placental membrane from Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India.
PhD; MONASH University, Australia, School of Medicine & Health Sciences.
Research Scientist; Reliance Life Sciences, Dhirubhai Ambani Life Science Centre, Mumbai, India.
Prasad P, Abraham S, JohnA. Improvement in Post Harvest Handling of fruits and Vegetables in india, Vellayani Agricultural University,Vellayani 25th July 2019, Abstract,pg.no33.
Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Neuroendocrine Mechanism of Selective Serotonin reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Induced reproductive Failure. International Neuroscience Symposium, MONASH University, Malaysia, 27 September 2014, Abstract, pg. no 19.
Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Serotonergic regulation of reproduction through Kisspeptin in the male zebrafish. 8 th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology (ICN), Sydney, Australia, 17-20 August 2014, Abstract # 230
Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Selective Serotonin reuptake Inhibitors (Citalopram)
Inhibits Kisspeptin Gene Expression in Teleosts. International Neuroscience
Symposium, MONASH University, Malaysia, 28 September 2013, Abstract, pg. no 27.Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (Citalopram) Inhibits Kisspeptin Gene expression in Teleosts. International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology (ICCE), Barcelona, Spain, July 15-19 th , 2103, pp 30.
- Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Neuroanatomical Analysis of Association between Serotonin and Gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH) Neurons in the Zebrafish. The IBRO school of Neuroscience, MONASH University, Malaysia, November 19-30 th , 2012
- Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Serotonergic regulation of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) in Adult Male Zebrafish. The 7 th Congress of the Asia Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology, MONASH University, Malaysia, March 3 rd -7 th 2012, pp 103.
- Prasad P, Ogawa S and Parhar IS. Serotonergic regulation of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) in Adult male Zebrafish. Neuroscience Symposium, MONASH University, Malaysia, December 12-13 th 2011. pp 59.
- Prasad P, Vasania VS and Majumdar AS. Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Expanded and Cryopreserved Human Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells Reveal Unique Immunological Properties. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Bio therapeutics conducted at Dhirubhai Ambani Life Sciences centre, Mumbai, India, February 13- 14 th 2009.
publication list
Vasania VS, Prasad P, Gill KR, Mehta A, Viswanathan C, Sarang S, Majumdar AS (2011).
Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Expanded and Cryopreserved Human Limbal Epithelial Stem cells Reveal Unique Immunological Properties.
Experimental Eye Research 92(1):47-56. -
Parvathy Prasad, Satoshi Ogawa, Ishwar S. Parhar (2015).
Effect of Citalopram, a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor on GnRH Gene Expression and Synthesis in the Male Zebra fish.
Biology of Reproduction 93(4):102,1-10. -
Parvathy Prasad, Satoshi Ogawa, Ishwar S. Parhar (2015).
Role of Serotonin in Fish Reproduction.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 9:195. -
Parvathy Prasad, Akhina Varghese, Amala Jose, Athul R, Akash P (2022).
Evaluation of Phytochemical, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Anti-Cancerous and Wound Healing Potential of Syzygium zeylanicum.
Annals of Pharma Research. -
Parvathy Prasad, Mary Steny Joseph, Archana Unni K, and Athmeeya Mathew (2023).
Formulation and Evaluation of a Microbial Growth Media from Kitchen Waste: A Cost-Effective Alternative for Commercial Use.
Annals of Plant Sciences. -
Prasad P (2024).
Pharmaceutical Potential of Flexirubin Pigment from Chryseobacterium.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science. -
Prasad P, Prasadan P, Ajilkumar A, Joseph MS (2024).
Exploring the Potential Applications of Withania somnifera.
Annals of Plant Sciences. -
Prasad P, Abhirami AB (2024).
Evaluating the Therapeutic Potential of Garcinia gummi-gutta.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science.
Attended Bio Connect Kerala, Industrial Conclave on Life Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram, 25th & 26th 2023
Attended International conference on Advances in molecular Diagnostics And PrecisionMedicine,Anna University, Chennai, september 15-17th 2022
Attended Health Tech Summit, Le Meridian, Kochi, June 2022
Attended National Seminar on Promotion of Ecofriendly and Sustainable
Innovations,Vellayani Agricultural University,Vellayani, Kerala, India,July 25 th 2019.Attended Stem and Disease Models Mini Symposium, National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore, India, February 2,3 rd 2018.
Attended 6 th Asian Biomaterials Congress, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, India,
October 25-27 th 2017.Attended Neuroscience Symposium, MONASH University, Malaysia, September 27 th 2014.
Attended International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), Techniques in
Neuroendocrine Workshop, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, August 9th -14 th 2014.Attended International Congress of Neuroendocrinology (ICN), Sydney, Australia, August 17th -20 th 2014.
Attended Brain Awareness Symposium, BRIMS, MONASH University, Malaysia,
March 15 th 2014.Attended Neuroscience Symposium, MONASH University, Malaysia, September 28 th 2013.
- Attended International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology (ICCE), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, July 15th -19 th 2013.
- Attended Brain Awareness Symposium, BRIMS, MONASH University, Malaysia,
March 17 th 2012. - Attended Neuroscience Symposium, MONASH University, Sunway Campus,
Malaysia, September 29-30th 2012. - Attended IBRO School of neuroscience, BRIMS, MONASH University, Malaysia,
November 19-30 th 2012. - Attended Brain Awareness Symposium, BRIMS, MONASH University, Malaysia,
March 20 th 2011 - Attended IBRO School of neuroscience, BRIMS, MONASH University, Malaysia,
December 1- 13 th 2011. - Workshop on Higher Degree by Research (HDR) safety induction program,
MONASH University, Sunway Campus, Malaysia October 19 th 2011. - Attended Regenerative Medicine Department Retreat symposia at Reliance Life
Science Centre, Mumbai, India for October 26 th 2008. - Attended Conference on Frontiers in Carcinogenesis and Cancer Prevention
Scientific Endeavours and Public Health Sciences, Reliance Life Sciences at
Dhirubhai Ambani Life Science Centre, Mumbai, India, February 5-7 th 2010.
Awards and Recognition